Structural Metal Building Components

Cee Profiles: Purlins and Girts

Cee Profiles are used as both purlins and girts. When used as purlins, the cee-profile is laid horizontally along the length of the roof, providing support to the cladding. As a girt, the cee-profile provides stability and attachment points for wall panels. The structural shape provides strength while the thin gauge of the steel minimizes load on the building frame.
The small profile of a cee-purlin makes it ideal when the width of the structural component is important, for example, when close to eaves.. The center of gravity is in the center of the shape making cee-purlins easier to work with as they balance on their short side without assistance. They are the preferred shape for carports and simple structures.
Finishes available: Galvanized Z purlin, Red Oxide Coated Z purlin
*Red Oxide Purlins and Galvanized purlins increase the life expectancy and reduce maintenance costs on your metal building.
Also called: Cee Purlins, C purlins, C profiles
Zee Profiles: Purlins and Girts

Zee-Profiles are also used as both purlins and girts. When used as purlins, the zee-profile is laid horizontally along the length of the roof providing support to the cladding. As a girt, the zee-profile provides stability and attachment points for wall panels. The structural shape provides strength while the thin gauge of the steel minimizes load on the building frame.
Zee-profiles are made to nest inside one another, making them ideal to span long buildings where the zee-profiles are overlapped and joined over the building's frame. Because the lapped joints add significant strength to the roof, zee-profiles are the preferred shape for large or industrial buildings.
Finishes available: Galvanized Z purlin, Red Oxide Coated Z purlin
*Red Oxide Purlins and Galvanized purlins increase the life expectancy and reduce maintenance costs on your metal building.
Also called: Zee Purlins, Zed purlins, "Z" purlins, Zed Profiles, Z profiles
Receiving Channel

Receiving Channel is used to receive purlins or girts at the ends of the building structure. They are 1/8 inch taller than the cee or zee profile, so the end of the profile will slip in perpendicular to the channel. The top and bottom of the profile are bolted to the flanges of the receiving channel.
Receiving channel is typically used in carports and low strain applications.
Finishes available: Galvanized channel, Red Oxide Coated Channel
*These finishes increase the life expectancy and reduce maintenance costs on your metal building.
Also called: Receiving Channel, Open-Faced Channel, Formed Channel, C Channel, Channel
Base Angle or Rake Angle

Base-angles are attached to the base of the structure with the long side up. This creates a solid structure where the bottom of the wall can be anchored to the building and ground.
Finishes available: Galvanized base angle, Red Oxide Coated Z angle
*These finishes increase the life expectancy and reduce maintenance costs on your metal building.
Also called: Rake Angle, L-Angle, Angle
Eave Strut

Eave Struts are used at the top of a building frame. They are the attachment point for the top of the wall and the roof. They are angled to match the pitch of the roof.
Finishes available: Galvanized eave strut, Red Oxide Coated eave strut
*These finishes increase the life expectancy and reduce maintenance costs on your metal building.
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