
April 2018
What exactly is a Girt??
Yes, a Girt is a support beam but it's also so much more...
A Girt is a horizontal structural member in a framed wall that provides lateral support to the wall panel, primarily to resist wind loads.
In the last month, we have greatly expanded our stock of metal building components. We have added a Metal Building specialist to our team, Micah Medrano, who has accumulated 15 years of experience in the Metal Building Industry and who’s knowledge spans selling Tek screws to complete Metal Buildings.
Our vastly increased inventory includes Girts (aka Z-Purlins), C-Purlins, U-Panels, R-Panels, trim and lots more.
Please think of us the next time you need Metal Building Components.
Or even a Metal Building package. We'll give you a quote on the whole thing, delivered straight to your door.
Want to learn more about the parts that go into a metal building?
We've got it all laid out for you here.
Juan M. Martinez
Vice President - Sales