
July 2017
Lost in the Acronym Jungle?
Are you lost in a sea of Piping Terminology?
All industries have their own jargon, but I think the pipe and pipe fittings industry just might outdistance all the rest.
The confusion starts with what seems to be simple - just the size of the pipe itself. For example, a 4" STD pipe has an inside diameter (ID) of 4". Simple, right? But other schedules of 4" pipe have IDs that are either smaller or larger than 4".
After you digest that, there are the acronyms: TBE, SMLS, XXS, TOE, XXH, ERW, A106 and a whole lot more.
We have put together a quick reference to demystify this world a bit. See it here.
If you run into something not listed here, please give us a call and we will do our best to help solve the mystery.
Juan M. Martinez
Vice President - Sales